Regular Meeting of the JINR Financial Committee
News, 29 October 2009
On 29 October, the Financial Committee of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research started its regular meeting at the JINR International Conference Hall. JINR Assistant Director on financial issues V.Katrasev opened the meeting.
JINR Director A.Sissakian made a report on the seven-year plan of JINR development for 2010-2016. V.Katrasev reported on the draft of the JINR budget for 2010, contributions of JINR Member States in 2011 and financial grounds for the seven-year plan of JINR development for 2010-2016.
The adoption of the resolutions and signing of the Protocol that will be presented to the consideration of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the governments of the JINR Member States will take place on 30 October. A regular CP session will be held on 19-21 November in the capital of Kazakhstan Astana.
JINR Director A.Sissakian made a report on the seven-year plan of JINR development for 2010-2016. V.Katrasev reported on the draft of the JINR budget for 2010, contributions of JINR Member States in 2011 and financial grounds for the seven-year plan of JINR development for 2010-2016.
The adoption of the resolutions and signing of the Protocol that will be presented to the consideration of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the governments of the JINR Member States will take place on 30 October. A regular CP session will be held on 19-21 November in the capital of Kazakhstan Astana.