The first conference of the Russian Nanotechnology Society

News, 22 October 2009

The first annual scientific-technical conference of the Russian Nanotechnology Society (RNS) “The Development of the Nanotechnology Project of Russia: Status and Prospects” was held at the National Research Nuclear University “MEPI”. More than 200 attendants from various regions of Russia arrived to take part in it.

RNS President Chairman of the Programme Committee Academician Yu.Tretiakov (MSU) and other leaders of state and research institutions greeted the participants.

A round-table discussion under the title “International cooperation in Science and Technology: experience and perspectives” was organized in the frames of the conference. At the suggestion of the executive board, JINR Director Academician A.Sissakian was elected Chairman of the RNS international committee.

The reports discussed various aspects of international research in nanotechnology, risks and hazards for human health and environment in application of nanotechnologies, the results of the conference “Euronanotech-2009” held in Germany and many other topics. A general discussion concluded the round-table meeting.

A poster session was organized in the frames of the conference, along with a constitutive meeting of RNS young scientists.