Microstructure manifestations in nuclear reactions with gammas and neutrons


FLNR Chemical Seminar 16 June 2015, 15:30, FLNR Conference Hall   Programme: 1. Sarkis Karamyan (FLNR JINR) “Microstructure manifestations in nuclear reactions with gammas and neutrons” 2. Ramiz Aliev (Radiochemistry div., Chemistry dept., Lomonosov Moscow State University) “Production of medical radionuclides by photonuclear reactions” Abstract Possibility of production of 18F, 44Ti/Sc, 47Sc, 195mPt, 69mZn, 67Cu using 55 MeV bremsstrahlung radiation was studied. Yield of products of photonuclear reactions on Ti, Au, Zn, Ga, Na of natural isotopic composition was determined. Separation technices based on chromatography and LLX were suggested for 18F, 69mZn, 67Cu. 3. RNDr. Jan Kozempel, Ph.D. (Department of Nuclear Chemistry, Czech Technical University in Prague) “Towards new radiopharmaceuticals for targeted alpha-therapy” Abstract Alpha emitters decaying through short cascades deposit the majority of released energy in a very small volume. Main disadvantage of this system is that no molecule can withhold the recoil energy of daughter hot atoms generated in such decays. We have focused on the preparation of nanoparticles labelled with Ra-223 that partially retain the recoiled atoms and may ensure proper therapeutical dose targeting. Also basic physical and chemical principles would be discussed.