Reorganization of the Sonix+ Software Package

Publications, 27 May 2023

We offer to your attention a preprint “Reorganization of the Sonix+ Software Package to Work with Data in the Event List Form” P10-2023-14 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are FLNR JINR researchers Andrey Kirilov, Ivan Morkovnikov, Svetlana Murashkevich, Tatiana Petukhova, Lyubov Truntova.

In the coming years the application of new DAQ controllers in which there is no hardware data histogramming will become more and more widespread at the IBR-2 instruments. At the same time, the primary data presentation in the histogram form is replaced in favor of accumulation in the form of a list of individual events, which corresponds to the global trend. This will entail a certain restructuring of the Sonix+ complex. Thus, on the one hand, histograms should be kept for operative visualization, as well as for data reduction programs, which are specific for each instrument. On the other hand, the hardware sampling limitation in the construction of these histograms is removed, which is expected to lead to a significant increase in histogram size, including exceeding the limit of available virtual address space for 32-bit applications in practice.

In this work we propose an approach to solve this problem.

The study has been performed at the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR, and sent to the journal “Particles and Nuclei, Letters”.