RSA-JINR Summer School

Education, 02 February 1999

A few days ago, a three-week RSA-JINR Summer School, which started on 16 January, ended in South Africa. A delegation of the Joint Institute arrived in Cape Town to participate in the School. JINR specialists gave lectures for the participants of the School on various areas of research of the Institute, and also introduced its virtual educational opportunities.

This year, 36 students from 10 South African universities gathered at iThemba LABS, the School’s traditional venue, to learn more about JINR, accelerator technologies, radiation material science, nuclear medicine, and numerous other topics. In addition to lectures, students of the School attended JINR virtual laboratory sessions hosted by the team of JINR University Centre Department Head Yuri Panebrattsev.

On 1 February, as part of the School, a VBLHEP JINR engineer-programmer Nikita Sidorov presented a virtual tour of the Institute’s scientific infrastructure facilities. More than twenty Tuscany Glen High School students were able to see the key JINR research facilities online and visit the ice of Lake Baikal during the construction of the Baikal-GVD neutrino telescope.

The school functions not only as an educational platform, but also as a form of selection of participants who will be able to visit JINR in June this year as part of the International Student Practice of the UC JINR. The results of the School were announced on 3 February during the presentations of research projects of its participants.