School kids from Moscow visit JINR

Education, 28 November 2017

On 27 November, twenty-eight 8-year school students focused on the study of physics and mathematics and 4 teachers of School № 1514, Moscow, visited the Institute. The main purpose of the visit was to introduce the young people to the daily routines of JINR scientists and specialists, as well as to the main fields of research conducted at the Institute.

The excursion began with a visit to the JINR Museum, where N. Rastorguev told the students about the history of the Institute, and A. Zlotnikova and K. Kozubskiy gave a workshop in the Museum Experimentarium.

Afterwards, the visitors went to the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems. DLNP researcher N. Anfimov told the guests about the principle of photodetectors operation, showed the Dark Room – the laboratory for testing photomultipliers – and the NOvA experiment control room. He also told several stories about the life of scientists, which triggered great enthusiasm in the young researchers. The visit was continued by D. Kozhevnikov: he showed the schoolchildren images made with the MARS MicroCT scanner, and explained to the kids how they were made and what else the scanner can be applied for. A. Gongadze accompanied the visitors to the production site, where the Micromegas detectors for the ATLAS experiment are being developed, and shared some interesting facts on this laborious process.

At the end of the day, the guests visited the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, where A. Voinov told them about the fundamental and applied research conducted at FLNR, paying special attention to the history of new chemical elements discovery by the laboratory scientists. The visit came to its end at the FLNR NanoLab, where O. Orelovich showed the excursion participants how the electron microscope operates: in real time, the students were able to examine a sample of a track membrane obtained at the FLNR accelerator.