Summer workshop “School of Science Journalism”

Education, 10 May 2016

Recruitment for the workshop “School of Science Journalism” is open until 20 May 2016.

The workshop is a part of the Summer School – free non-commercial educational project which is aimed at training students, schoolchildren, editors and everyone, who wants to link their professional activity to the popularization of science. This workshop aspires to become the largest project in Russia, which helps people to learn how to popularize science.

Workshop “School of Science Journalism” is one of 30 workshops that are presented at the Summer School this year. Workshops specializations are varied from medicine and education to design and travel journalism. Summer School is a free educational project, which has the format of the outdoor educational camp since 2004. JINR is one of the key partners of the project, along with the faculty of journalism of Moscow State University, Russian National Festival of Science “Nauka 0+”, magazines “Russian Reporter”, “Schrödinger’s Cat” and many others.

This year Summer School will be held in July and will be located on the bank of Volga nearby Dubna city.

For those who is interested please apply for participation in any of the workshops of the Summer School before May 20. Each of the workshops has its own application conditions and requirements to the participants, all the information and contact of coordinators can be found here: