AYSS General meeting


All interested are kindly invited to participate in a general meeting of the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR. The meeting will be held in the Conference Hall of the Laboratory of Information Technologies on 19 August 2020 at 2:00 PM. A video conference will be also available.

We have a lot of questions that we would like to discuss with everyone.

Agenda of the meeting:

  1. Preparation of a new regulation for the AYSS grants;
  2. Filling in the subsection of the JINR development strategy until 2030 “Comfortable social environment»;
  3. Proposals for the repairs plan of the JINR hotel (2 Moscovskaya St “Grill”);
  4. Reconstruction project of the former store “Romashka” (nearest brick building to the left of the DLNP checkpoint);
  5. Miscellaneous.

We would be glad to hear your opinion and ideas on the listed items. In order for the meeting to be constructive, we recommend that you prepare one or two slides with your theses.

We hope for activity of participants!

Join the conference on Webex: https://jinr.webex.com/jinr/j.php?MTID=m79480f236fa73e7f1c4e320ca36438ad

Meeting number (access code): 137 816 3423
Meeting password: dVaxfjPE532