Happy Victory Day!

News, 07 May 2023

Dear veterans, employees of the Institute, citizens of Dubna! We congratulate you on the upcoming holiday, the Victory Day!

On these May days, with renewed vigour we feel awe and deep appreciation in our hearts for those who made brave efforts and selflessly performed military and labour feats; for those who survived in the heroic struggle for freedom and independence of not only Russia, but also Europe. This is what unites us and makes us strong in the face of all challenges.

It is our duty today to preserve the memory of the courage and sacrifice of the heroes of those years. The love of life, of labour, and the protection of our fragile world will serve as our gratitude to those who fell in those battles.

May peace be established in the world by the goodwill of mankind! I sincerely wish you health and happiness, long peaceful years, and endless joy in your soul. Happy Great Victory Day!

JINR Director RAS Academician Grigory Trubnikov