INTEREST progamme invites project supervisors

News, 13 December 2021

At the beginning of 2022, the next Wave of the international INTEREST programme will start. It will be already the 6th one in a row. On 17 January, the submission of applications for projects will be available for students. In this regard, the organizers of the programme invite JINR researchers to upload proposals for projects on the programme’s website before this date.

For your convenience, Instruction on creating a project for supervisors is available.

How does it work?

A supervisor registers on the website, uploads the description of the project in the Wave, sets the requirements for candidates, the number of vacancies, etc.

Having studied research topics, a student registers on the website, submits an application for the project of interest. Scientific leaders review all applications and make a decision on the admission of students based on their capabilities, needs, and preferences.

Work on the project in Wave 6 will last from 14 February to 25 March.

The Wave is over, a student writes a report on the work performed, which is published on the website after approval by the project supervisor.

It should be reminded that in September 2020, the JINR University Centre started a new programme for students from all over the world. It was called INTEREST, an abbreviation of the English “INTErnational REmote Student Training.” The programme allows young people to become acquainted with the Institute’s activity and manage work on research projects remotely.

The website became the informational platform of the Programme. Students use the website to register for the programme. In addition, those JINR employees ready to offer scientific and research projects for implementation in a remote format also register for the Programme.

The Programme is conducted in stages, which are called Waves. Each Wave lasts 4 – 6 weeks.