Youth and Science. It’s Summer in the UC

News, 15 May 2012

The first stage of the International student practice in JINR fields of research of 2012 started on 14 May, 2012. 15 students from Egypt came to participate in the practice.

The practice has been held since 2008 and consists of three stages; that is done to receive the maximum number of students and postgraduates. 23 students participated in the first practice in 2004, and 136 students participated in the practice of 2011. The second stage of the practice 2012 is organized for students from European countries, and students from ARE will come in September.

A programme of the practice traditionally includes introductory lectures on research fields of JINR laboratories, principal time of three weeks of the practice will be devoted to study of research projects at JINR Laboratories, which will be supervised by specialists of JINR laboratories.

Participants can get acquainted with descriptions of study research projects beforehand and choose interesting scientific field. There are 43 projects in the UC data base now and 16 of those projects were performed by FLNR scientists.

Students will present reports-presentation on results of accomplished projects at the end of the practice. Egyptian students selected projects performed at FLNP, LRB, VBLHEP and FLNR