Sofia Declaration on the value of international integration in science and technology

Organization, 28 February 2022

On 25 February, in the resolution of the 131st session, the JINR Scientific Council noted the significance and timeliness of the Sofia Declaration on the value of international integration in science and technology adopted by the Committee of Plenipotentiaries in 2021 at its November session.

The Scientific Council encouraged JINR for proactive work to unite different countries and peoples for multinational dialogue in the name of peace and progressive scientific, technological and cultural development of humankind.

  Dowload the Sofia Declaration (.doc)


On the value of international integration in science and technology

We, the Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the Member States of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) at the meeting of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries in Sofia, Bulgaria,

  • acknowledging that JINR, an international intergovernmental research organization, having been established 65 years ago, has continuously united scientists from many countries in the study of fundamental properties of matter and today is recognized as one of the leaders in world science, successfully implementing international integration in research,
  • taking note, that JINR activities to develop scientific, technological and intellectual potential of its Member States, have facilitated creation of an international scientific, educational and cultural environment in Dubna, vividly illustrating the slogan “Science brings nations together”,
  • proceeding from the understanding that talented people with daring ideas and insatiable passion for science are JINR major asset and that modern science calls for coordination of research activities carried out by scientific teams and for special attention from Governments and international organizations towards creation of favourable conditions supporting international cooperation in research,
  • emphasizing the importance of attaining goals of the JINR Long-Term Development Strategy up to 2030 and Beyond approved on 25.03.2021 to reinforce positions of our Member States at the forefront of advanced research and to extend JINR partnership network,
  • cognizant of the continued importance of basic sciences and the value of an open scientific dialogue for resolution of global challenges confronting humanity,
  • supporting the initiative of UNESCO to proclaim the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development in 2022 and cherishing the honour to be among its organizers,

have agreed to the following:

  • Enhance JINR further development in the format of an international, intergovernmental research organization, promote and exchange JINR experience in organization of multilateral research activities and large-scale research projects, based on principles, mechanism and forms, underlying JINR cooperation model and securing a high level and competitiveness of research results and alignment with world science,
  • Undertake accorded, proactive efforts in the interests of the Member States to involve new countries into collaborative activities within JINR framework in the form of fully fledged or associated membership in conformity with the principles of openness and inclusivity,
  • Strengthen the role of JINR as a unique integrating site for development of modern instruments applied by the Member States and partner countries in science diplomacy, promotion of science and intercultural exchange.

We adopt the present Declaration and call on all interested countries and scientific organizations, sharing and supporting ideas of the value of international integration in science and technology, to join multilateral research activities carried out within JINR framework in the name of peaceful scientific, technological, social, economic and cultural development of all countries on all continents on planet Earth – our common home.

24th November 2021, Sofia, Bulgaria