The JINR Directorate deeply regrets to announce

Organization, 24 April 2020

On 23 April 2020, Javadov Namik Ali Jawad oglu, Head of the national group of Azerbaijan in JINR, Leading Researcher of the Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics, passed away after a severe illness.

Javadov Namik Ali Jawad oglu

24.12.58 – 23.04.20

After graduating from the Baku State University in 1981, N. A. Javadov began his career in the Institute of Physics of the Republic of Azerbaijan where he worked until recently. In 1983, he was referred by the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the JINR, N. A. Javadov was seconded to the BLTP JINR where he successfully defended his Candidate thesis, and since January 2000, he worked at the LHE.

All these years, N. A. Javadov was an active member of the JINR group in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. He participated in runs at the SPS accelerator at CERN to study the characteristics of liquid argon calorimeter modules, and processed the collected data. He conducted continuous monitoring of calorimeters, which was extremely important for the Collaboration, to identify problematic read out channels of electronics, operation of these channels was then corrected by software or engineering tools. In recent years, in the light of the upcoming increase of luminosity of the LHC, N. A. Javadov has been assessing the possible degradation of the calorimetric signal as a result of radiation damage of ATLAS detectors. His calculations showed that the deterioration of the energy resolution and linearity of the calorimeter will remain at an acceptably low level when full statistics are collected. This crucially important result, highly appreciated by the Collaboration, made it possible to exclude a very risky and expensive scenario of upgrading the facility, including opening of the end-cap cryostat. In addition to valuable scientific and methodological results, N. A. Javadov made a significant contribution to development of software and methods for searching for the Higgs boson at LHC based on neural network algorithms and modern phenomenological models. N. A. Javadov is the author and co-author of more than 600 scientific papers, most of which were published by him as part of the author’s group of the ATLAS Collaboration. He made reports at international meetings held by the ATLAS Collaboration at CERN and JINR dozens of times. N. A. Javadov served for many years on the Science and Technology Council of the LHE. He was awarded the Prize of the Laboratory of Particle Physics (JINR) for 2005. He was the Head of the national group of Azerbaijani employees in JINR for a long time. He took an active part in the work of the Finance Committee and the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States.

He generously shared with young colleagues from the MPD experiment at the NICA Collider his rich experience and knowledge gained during research at the LHC at CERN, and supervised the students’ theses. N. A. Javadov has always been characterized by a great interest in work, a creative approach to any task, responsibility and thoughtfulness. Hence the deserved authority and abiding respect of colleagues.

We will remember Namik Ali Jawad as a charitable person, kind and attentive to others, always ready to help, a great family man. Our deepest condolences and sympathy to his wife and sons, family and friends, and all who knew him.

JINR Directorate, colleagues and friends