UC Lectorium resumes its work in the new academic year

Education, 02 September 2021

1 September marks the beginning of a new school year. On this day, the “S’COOL Science” Lectorium of the JINR University Centre resumed its lectures for school students of Dubna. On the first day of September, JINR specialists were invited to School №9 to give their lectures at the lessons dedicated to the Year of Science and Technology in Russia.

An FLNP junior researcher Igor Chuprakov delivered a lecture “Evolution of machines. Atomic robots. Use of robots in the world’s nuclear centres”.

Mikhail Shandov, a researcher at VBLHEP, told the students of 9 grade about the phenomenon of superconductivity, superconductors, and the production of superconducting cables for particle accelerators.

Junior researcher at FLNP I. Chuprakov delivered a lecture “Evolution of machines. Atomic robots. Use of robots in the world’s nuclear centres”

M. Shandov, researcher at VBLHEP, told about the phenomenon of superconductivity, superconductors, and the production of superconducting cables for particle accelerators.