Constructive Study of Decompositions of Quantum Systems Into Subsystems / On the phase space formalism of quantum mechanics and its application to quantum information theory


Laboratory of Information Technology

Date and Time: Tuesday, 29 June 2021, at 3:00 PM

Venue: LIT Conference Hall, Online seminar on Webex, Laboratory of Information Technologies

  1. Seminar topic: “Constructive Study of Decompositions of Quantum Systems Into Subsystems”

    Speaker: Vladimir Kornyak


    Any Hilbert space with composite dimension can be represented as a tensor product of smaller Hilbert spaces. This factorization allows one to decompose a quantum system into subsystems. We propose a model based on finite quantum mechanics for the constructive study of such decompositions and for the study of quantum correlations in the resulting multicomponent systems. To solve these problems, we develop and implement algorithms based on methods of computer algebra and computational group theory.

  2. Seminar topic: “On the phase space formalism of quantum mechanics and its application to quantum information theory”

    Speaker: V. Abgaryan


    The talk will give an overview of the phase space formalism of quantum mechanics for finite dimensional quantum systems. On the basis of the Stratonovich-Weyl approach, the Stratonovich postulates are reduced to a system of algebraic equations and demonstrate a wide unitary non-equivalent freedom of choice for the quasiprobability density function. The talk will mainly focus on different aspects of applications of this formalism to quantum information theory. Namely, capitalizing on the property of the Wigner function to acquire negative values, several measures of non-classicality capturing different aspects of the quantumness of systems are introduced.