AYSS JINR Dissertation Club opens

News, 06 February 2024

The Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR (AYSS JINR) announces the opening of the Dissertation Club. It will serve as a meeting place for graduate students and applicants, where they can get assistance in preparing their candidate’s dissertations. Meetings will take place 1-2 times a month at the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems at JINR and will be broadcast online.

As part of the Club’s work, regular meetings will be organized to track the progress of potential applicants in writing their dissertations (literature review, description of the experimental setup, new experimental data, data processing methods, etc.). The Club participants will also have an opportunity to network with colleagues who have already defended their dissertations. A researcher at the DLNP JINR Sector of Low Temperatures Anton Dolzhikov will be the leader of the Club. In addition, it is planned to invite members of the JINR Dissertation Council to the meetings to discuss the formal part of writing the work.

At the first meeting, which will take place on 6 February, at 11:00 AM, in the DLNP Conference Hall, the format of the Club’s work and schedule will be discussed. A representative of the Laboratory of Information Technologies will share the experience of the MLIT JINR Dissertation Club. Anton Dolzhikov will share his defence experience, talk about the importance of defending a dissertation and the nuances that one needs to know about for a successful defence. Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council for Nuclear Physics, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Galina Karamysheva will talk about the basic requirements for scientific dissertations. Questions to the audience will help determine the agenda of the next meeting (brief presentations of applicants and graduate students on what they have already prepared for defence and what difficulties they have faced).

Everyone willing to join the Club can send their applications via the link.