Description of the States of the Yrast-Band in 156Dy

Publications, 12 March 2021

We offer to your attention a preprint «Description of the States of the Yrast-Band in 156Dy» P4-2020-40 published by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are A. D. Efimov, I. N. Izosimov.

Based on an extended microscopic version of the IBM1, a description of the properties of the yrast-band states in 156Dy up to spin 18+ is obtained. The series of states of this band, 6+, 8+ и 10+, are populated from 8+ (2.788 MeV) excitation by-turn populated as a result of β+/ЕС-decay from the isomeric state 9+ в 156Ho.

The investigation has been performed at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions of JINR.