JINR employee among top ten scientists of Russia

News, 20 April 2023

Research.com, a leading academic platform for researchers, has just released the 2023 edition of ranking of best scientists in the field of environmental sciences. The employee of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR Marina Frontasyeva was ranked No. 8 in Russia.

The Research.com ranking is based on D-index (Discipline H-index) metric, which only includes papers and citation values for an examined discipline. The ranking includes scientists with D-index of at least 30 for academic publications made in the area of environmental sciences.

Marina Vladimirovna Frontasyeva, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, docent, Directorate Advisor for applied research and innovations of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR.

Marina Vladimirovna is a distinguished scientist conducting a lot of applied research at JINR. Scientists under her leadership study air and water pollution, examining mosses in European Union countries, molluscs in South Africa, etc. She also acts as the Coordinator of the United Nations air programme in Europe.

We congratulate Marina Vladimirovna and wish her further academic success!