MPD Collaboration grows

News, 20 April 2023

Meet the new participants of the Collaboration of the MPD Experiment at the NICA Complex. The project will now involve specialists from Saint Petersburg and, for the first time, from the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The new participants were welcomed to the collaboration at the 11th Collaboration Meeting of the MPD Experiment, which is taking place these days. The project unites 500 participants from 34 institutes in 10 countries so far, and every year the number of those wishing to become part of the project team increases.

Eight specialists led by Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Yaroslav Berdnikov from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University joined the MPD Collaboration. They will participate in the development, commissioning and maintenance of the forward tracking spectrometer as part of the MPD modernization. In addition, their participation in model calculations, theoretical and experimental studies of various physical phenomena, as well as in data processing using machine learning methods is planned.

The team of the Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Igor Lebedev from the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan of nine people also joined the collaboration. Previously, there were no specialists from this country in the collaboration. They will study baryonic matter at the NICA Collider. In particular, the team from Kazakhstan will be engaged in event-be-event analysis, as well as the study of correlations and fluctuations of various quantities based on the analysis of simulated and experimental data. In addition, representatives of the Institute of Physics and Technology will search for signs of QGP.