Professor Starobinsky won Pomeranchuk Prize

News, 07 June 2021

We are glad to inform you that the 2021 Prize named after Isaak Yakovlevich Pomeranchuk was awarded to Professor Aleksei Starobinsky, an employee of Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS, a chief researcher at the DIAS of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR.

Aleksei Aleksandrovich Starobinsky is one of the world’s most influential theoretical physicists, the author of numerous scientific papers in the fields of theoretical astrophysics and cosmology. Together with A. Guth and A. D.Linde, he is the founder of the world-known inflation theory that predicts the existence of the exponential (de Sitter) expansion in early stages of the evolution of the Universe.

Aleksei Aleksandrovich was awarded the Pomeranchuk Prize for his research in the fields of gravitation and cosmology, including the development of the theory of the inflationary stage in the early Universe.

A. Starobinsky. Photo © Scientific Russia

The Prize-2021 was also awarded to Professor Larry McLerran from the Institute for Nuclear Theory at the University of Washington Seattle, USA.

The Prize named after I. Ya. Pomeranchuk is an international award for theoretical physics, presented annually by the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics. It is named after Russian physicist Isaak Yakovlevich Pomeranchuk, an outstanding theoretical physicist. The award was established in 1998 (in the year of the 85th anniversary of the birth of I. Ya. Pomeranchuk).