International training begins at the JINR Visit Centre

Education, 19 April 2017

On 17 April, the opening of a training course for specialists from JINR associated member states and partner countries took place at the JINR Visit Centre.

Representatives from Egypt, Zambia, Oman, Russia, Serbia and Tunisia, namely from the Arab Atomic Energy Agency, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, the Egypt Nanotechnology Center (Cairo University), the Water Research Center (Sultan Qaboos University), the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences in Belgrade, and the Kazan Federal University, came to Dubna in order to undertake the training. Head of the JINR International Cooperation Department Dmitry Kamanin made an introductory presentation on JINR activities, major research directions, basic facilities, and the latest achievements of the Institute for the newcomer guests.

The training coincided with the visit of the Head of the Arab Atomic Energy Agency, Salem Hamdi. As it is known, in 2016, AAEA signed a Memorandum of understanding with JINR aimed at the enhancement of JINR’s cooperation with the countries of the Arab League.

The training programme which takes place from 17 to 21 April, includes meetings with the JINR Directorate, a tour of the four main research complexes of the Institute, establishment of professional contacts with project leaders, daily lectures at the Visit Centre, as well as a Dubna sightseeing excursion.

Since its opening in 2016, the JINR Visit Centre has been actively implementing the training programme for administrative and scientific personnel from research and educational organizations of JINR member states, associated members, and partner countries. In 2016, colleagues from Egypt underwent training at the Visit Centre, and at least three more training courses have been planned for 2017: in June, October and December.

Photos by Igor Lapenko