Meeting of the JINR Public Council of a new convocation

News, 09 June 2018

The first meeting of the JINR Public Council (and 11th from the moment of its establishment on 5 September 2014) of a new convocation was held on 8 June 2018 in the JINR Scientists’ Club. This time participants of the Meeting discussed renovation of the Mendeleev embankment and areas around the JINR objects as well as development of the Dubna urban complex.

JINR Director Academician V.A. Matveev in his opening speech reminded to the audience that the JINR Public Council under the JINR Directorate was established for providing comfortable conditions for the Institute’s activities, alignment of interests between JINR, its staff members, their families and the local self-governing authorities. The first convocation of the Council was represented by veterans and the youth, all of them being people famous for their active attitude to life. It was headed by Director of the FLNP JINR Department, a member of the City Council of Dubna at that time S.A. Kulikov. Nowadays, this position is held by Head of the Social Infrastructure Management Office A.V. Tamonov who directed the first meeting of the Council of a new convocation. He presented the main speakers of the meeting, namely Head of the City of Dubna M.N. Danilov, Chief Architector of the BRT RUS architectural bureau D.B. Dridze, Deputy Head of the City of Dubna N.A. Smirnov.

D.B. Dridze introduced the audience to the concept of renovation of the Mendeleev embankment and proposals for establishment of a central park on the right bank of the Volga river. She paid special attention to the fact that the authors of the project proposals tried to preserve the style, aesthetics and the atmosphere of this place, its unique face. The same issue was discussed in the comments to the report made by E.A. Tagirov, P.V. Nomokonov, A.P. Sumbaev, B.V. Shestov, D.K. Dryablov, O.A. Kovap, S.A. Kulikov, E.D. Uglov, O. Kulikov, Yu.E. Sharapova, I.A. Vyazemsky and other members of the Council and participants of the open meeting.

N.A. Smirnov presented plans for development of the urban complex of Dubna to the audience. His concise but informative report contained basic data on successful and problematic objects of urban construction and on development of urban infrastructure. This part of the agenda also provoked a lively discussion.